Set in 1930's Austria, the classic story of the widower Navy Captain Georg Von Trapp. He enlists the assistance a young woman, Maria, who has failed in her dreams to become a nun. Maria is charged with being the governess to Captain Von Trapp’s seven mischievous children. While Maria is initially met with some hostility from the children, she displays kindness, understanding, and sense of fun that delivers much need joy to their lives. As Maria grows closer to the children, she elicits a similar emotion from Captain Von Trapp. Despite being engaged to a Baroness, Captain Von Trapp finds himself falling in love with Maria. The romance causes Captain Von Trapp to questions his engagement and Maria to doubt her desires to become a nun. As Austria is about to come under German control, their romance is further complicated as the Captain could find himself drafted into the German Navy and forced to fight against his own country.